Book A Deep Dive Call with Adele.

$295 per 90-Minute, One-on-One Deep Dive Session.


This call is specially designed to provide you with much needed clarity and remarkable insights into the source of the conflicts. It is confidential.

What to expect:

To begin the call, Adele will invite you to speak freely about the issues you are facing. As a master listener, she will often surprise you by asking you to talk more about something that you have dismissed as unimportant. She may pick up on a slight hesitancy in your voice or an unusual way of describing something that hints at its hidden importance.

Most people end up being delightfully surprised by what they discover. What you will likely discover is that the actions, behaviours, and beliefs that you have been trying to ‘fix’ for the weeks, months, or sometimes even years are not the root cause of the issue.
And this is the genius of the Deep Dive begins. Confusion, overwhelm, anxiety, helplessness, all melt away as you gain fresh insights and actionable items that will move you forward in the direction you want to go in.

How the Guarantee Works.

Adele will only suggest working together if she is 100% confident that the Repatterning approach will have a positive impact on your relationship. If she determines that a different approach would be better for you, she will explain why and offer alternatives. If that is the case, you will receive a refund on one of the two Deep Dives. If you choose to take the 4 step program, your deep dive amount will be applied to the course.

Fill in the form to book your Deep Dive Session.