Level Two Course: Repatterning Past Traumas and Yesterday’s Mistakes.

(Live On-going Weekly Coaching)

This is an on-going, weekly, group coaching class.

We all carry incidents from our past that continue to impact how we feel about ourselves and others. Whether they stem from our childhood or more recent experiences like divorce or job loss, these lingering memories have the power to haunt us. But here’s the truth: if it still affects you, it’s worth Repatterning. And in this course, you’ll do just that.

Welcome to the Level Two Course: Repatterning Past Traumas and Yesterday’s Mistakes.

Imagine a memory that brought you immense shame or discomfort, one that perhaps you’ve even spent years in therapy trying to address. You made progress, but there were still moments when the emotions would overwhelm you, leaving you feeling ashamed and collapsed in certain situations or around particular people. Now imagine that you are able to Repattern that incident. Giving the Four Step Repatterning Technique a try, you could never have predicted what happened next.

It felt to you as if someone had opened the drawers of your mind, tossing all the files related to that incident into the air, only to have them rearranged in an entirely new order upon landing.

Suddenly, you gain profound insight into that past incident and all the players involved. You see their objectives, realizing how you had misread them all along. You notice things you that you had forgotten and acknowledged your own contribution to what had happened. A smile emerges on your face, followed by laughter. You start grinning as you realize you are completely free from your victim mentality for the first time in decades.

How does Repatterning the Past deliver results?

Our perception of the past, as events that irrevocably took place, is disempowering and frankly, flawed. Patterns remembered are arising here now, and those patterns are subject to change. In this course you will gain a new understanding of what the past is. You will learn how memory works in the brain and how a pattern remembered is never the richness and fullness of what actually occurred. From there, you will embark on a journey of liberation from your past and unlock a future free from its shackles.

If you are haunted by past incidents, if there are past traumas that continue to disempower you, if you have regrets about yesterday’s mistakes then join Adele Spraggon on this exciting look into past based patterns that will leave you looking out into a brand new future.

This course is part of the on-going curriculum found in the Pattern Maker Hub. To explore this course and many more join the Hub today, or book a free introductory call to learn more about the Live, Coached On-going membership.

Pre-course, a personal On-boarding call is REQUIRED:

Upon registration, you will receive a link to book your own on-boarding call with Adele. This is a not to be missed, this telephone session is designed to ensure your success in this group class.

Prerequisite​ Required:

The Four Step Repatterning Workshop or a solid understanding of the 4 Step Repatterning Technique using the book Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment

PLEASE NOTE: The live, coached course starts with the video lessons found in Week 2 of the on-demand program.  

We are all taught to see the past in a particular way, i.e as events that occurred and that are unchangeable. This week we will challenge this myth and ask, what is the past? Where is it?

There are three pitfalls that keep people stuck in a disempowered past. In this class you will learn what to watch out for and how to remove these obstacles from your life.

No new learning this week. Instead we will spend quality time deconstructing the patterns from your past.

As you learned in the 4 Step Repatterning Workshop, each pattern gives birth to a different identity. In this class we dive deeper into what this means and how you can fully enjoy your transformative capacity to create yourself anew over and over again.

There are two pitfalls that will keep you trapped in a search for self. In this class we explore what these pitfalls are and how to be free of them.

Repatterning the past will leave you free of limiting beliefs and behaviours left over from yesterday, and that’s not all it does. As you let go of the past a brand, new future presents itself, free of the ties to yesterday. In this class you will learn how to best take advantage of patterns to determine a totally new, and exciting tomorrow.
An open Repatterning session (no new learning this week).
Bring you list and get ready to celebrate. Share your breakthroughs as you cross off all the patterns that used to hold you back.

Why join these on-going weekly classes?

Each week you get:
  • Adele’s ongoing support and coaching.
    • Bring whatever issues you are faced with this week and get direct access and support from Adele.

  • A community of fellow Pattern Makers
    • In our left-brain world it helps to be surrounded by whole-brain thinkers who are eager to celebrate your wins and support you when you need it

  • Repatterning Accountability
    • Sometimes the hardest thing about Repatterning is remembering to do it.  Don’t worry. We won’t let you forget.  Each week’s class includes a Repatterning session.

  • Four, Live Coached courses are included in your membership. (a $3,200 value)
    • Once a quarter, a course will be taught live for 8 weeks by Adele. Your group can choose which course you want Adele to teach that quarter. In between each course you get weekly live support and coaching on your area of concern from Adele.